Our love of diamonds and admiration of their fire and brilliance has been too many cuts of diamonds. Although we still see some of the oldest types of diamond cuts - like the round and emerald cut, more cuts today, some of them patented by their designers and hundreds of thousands of dollars in installation costs.

The most popular cut for a diamond ring is still the round brilliant. It was the 17th Century in Venice developed. It is always better when the raw crystal is in an octahedron formation. Although 50% of the stone is broken in the process, often two stones can be carved into an octahedron. More unusually shaped stones are used for fancy cuts like a marquise, pear or heart-shaped diamond. The first was 17 brilliant facets on the top of the stone and were called for two cups. This represents an improvement on the stone with 33 facets and is called Triple Brilliant.

In the 19th Century with the development of better tools for stone cutting, more innovations in diamond designs developed. In 1919, Marcel Tolkowsky combines the art of cutting with the science of light and refraction and published his book, Diamond Design. These relatively recent geometric calculations were the forerunner of much of diamond work today and led to a more accurate mathematical models of the technique to improve the fire and brilliance of diamonds.

There are now cuts such as princess cut, trillions, oval, pear and heart-shaped. Some stars innovative cutter or diamond-shaped butterfly! A patented cut, the Ashoka diamond, a rectangular section with rounded, polished stone and requires a three-carat or more. Diamond is a beautiful (and expensive). Tiffany has also called the diamond cutting patented Lucida cut. It is the lucky one whose fiancee is one of the coveted stones!

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