What exactly are the gems and precious stones? We know that some of the most often - emeralds, rubies, sapphires and diamonds. But they are, how they were doing and why we place so high?

International Gem Society defines a gem as "a mineral that was chosen for its beauty and durability, then cut and polished for jewelry of the people."

Most gems are minerals. Others, like pearls or amber, are produced by living organisms. In general the jewelry is a color, the other natural elements that we reflect as beautiful or useful. Emeralds mirror the lush, sapphires are the color of the sky and rubies are a rich red blood cells. There are color variations in all these jewels, of course, and diamonds, but those are the colors traditionally associated with them. Diamonds can come in colors as well, canary diamond and pink variants greatly appreciated.

Most gemstones are hard and durable, in spite of the beads easily damaged, such as opals and moonstones. Normally a rock strong enough to use as ornaments, but others, too soft to wear, are prized by collectors. The beads can crumble over time, even if they only remove the dust from them. And if you spray hair spray or perfume on them, they can also damage pearls.

Opals are making for their beauty and fire and estimated exquisite jewelry, but they are extremely sensitive to damage. It can break easily if dropped. And there is a story of a woman with an opal brooch for a party. When was the heat of the game to snatch experienced a sudden drop in temperature as a glass, which cools heated and then quickly break down.

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